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International Conference on Financing for Development

Distr: General
22 August 2002

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Monterrey Consensus of the International Conference on Financing for Development

Report of the International Conference on Financing for Development (A/CONF.198/11)

Chapter I, Resolution I


1/ General Assembly resolution 55/2.

2/ A/CONF.191/11.

3/ Report of the Global Conference on the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States, Bridgetown, Barbados, 25 April-6 May 1994 (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.94.I.18 and corrigenda), chap. I, resolution 1, annex II.

4/ The Results of the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations: The Legal Texts (Geneva, GATT secretariat, 1994), annex 1C.

5/ General Assembly resolution 55/25.

6/ General Assembly resolution 54/109, annex.