The General Assembly,
Recalling its resolutions 3201 (S-VI) and 3202 (S-VI) of 1 May 1974, containing the Declaration and the Programme of Action on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order, 3281 (XXIX) of 12 December 1974, containing the Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States, and 3362 (S-VII) of 16 September 1975 on development and international economic co-operation,
Recalling also the Lima Declaration and Plan of Action on Industrial Development and Co-operation,/73 adopted at the Second General Conference of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, which laid down the main measures and principles for industrial development and co-operation within the framework of the establishment of the new international economic order,
Taking note of the New Delhi Declaration and Plan of Action on Industrialization of Developing Countries and International Co-operation for their Industrial Development,/74 adopted at the Third General Conference of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, held at New Delhi from 21 January to 9 February 1980, in which a strategy was spelled out for the further industrialization of developing countries for the 1980s and beyond, as well as a plan of action for the restructuring of world industry within the framework of the establishment of the new international economic order.
Emphasizing the role of the redeployment of industrial capacities in the context of international industrial co-operation, including resources and technology transfers aimed at establishing and strengthening the productive capacities of developing countries with a view to stimulating their economies, and taking into account their potential to develop their national resources in conformity with the over-all national objectives and priorities and the need to increase correspondingly their share in world industrial production,
Conscious of the role of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization as the central co-ordinating organ within the United Nations system for the promotion of industrial development co-operation and for the fulfilment of the agreed measures and the attainment of the agreed targets in both the Lima Declaration and Plan of Action on Industrial Development and Co-operation and the New Delhi Declaration and Plan of Action on Industrialization of Developing Countries and International Co-operation for their Industrial Development, Having examined the reports of the Industrial Development Board on its first special session, held from 12 to 16 November 1979,/75 and on its fourteenth session, held from 12 to 19 May 1980,/76
Noting Economic and Social Council resolution 1980/61 of 24 July 1980 on industrial development co-operation,
Bearing in mind the decisions adopted by the Industrial Development Board at its second special session, held on 17 October 1980,/77
1. Takes note of the report of the Third General Conference of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization;/78
2. Endorses the programme priorities adopted by the Industrial Development Board at its fourteenth session/79 on the follow-up of the decisions and recommendations of the Third General Conference of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization;
3. Endorses the decisions made by the Industrial Development Board at its fourteenth session with regard to the System of Consultations,/80 so notably its decision to establish on a permanent basis that System, which should be an instrument through which the United Nations Industrial Development Organization would serve as a forum for developed and developing countries in their contacts and consultations directed towards the industrialization of developing countries and would also permit negotiations among interested parties at their request at the same time as, or after, consultations;
4. Urges the international community to consider concrete measures, where appropriate, for restructuring world industrial production through positive strategies, thus establishing a more effective international division of labour which would, inter alia, facilitate the redeployment of industry, expand and strengthen the industrial capacities of developing countries and promote the domestic industrial processing of the natural resources of developing countries;
5. Emphasizes the need to facilitate the restructuring of world industrial production through, inter alia:
- Support for increased industrial production in developing countries;
- Special and differential treatment in favour of developing countries, where feasible and appropriate, in the context of a general effort to liberalize world trade, in particular in their favour;
- Trade liberalization in relation to increased market access;
6. Reiterates the decision of the Industrial Development Board at its second special session,/81 and decides to ensure the provision of adequate resources to enable the United Nations Industrial Development Organization to implement its mandate, particularly as regards the follow-up of the Third General Conference as agreed upon by the Board at its fourteenth session, taking into account the budgetary restraints under which the United Nations regular budget has to operate;
7. Further reiterates, bearing in mind paragraph 75 of the report of the Permanent Committee of the Industrial Development Board on the work of its fourteenth session,/82 that proper measures should be taken for all agreed priority areas, as agreed to by the Board at its fourteenth regular session and its second special session, including the development of human resources and industrial production, which were not specifically reflected in the proposals of the Secretary-General as contained in the revised work programme of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization for 1981 and the current programme budget;/83
8. Requests the secretariat of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization to take immediate measures within its competence for the early and full implementation of the Comprehensive New Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries, adopted by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development in its resolution 122 (V) of 3 June 1979,/84 and the relevant resolutions and decisions of the General Assembly, and to submit annual reports to the Industrial Development Board on the progress of industrialization of the least developed countries;
9. Appreciates the steps already taken to ensure the co-ordination of activities with other United Nations bodies in the field of industrial development and stresses the need for continuing full co-operation and work to ensure optimal follow-up to the decisions, recommendations and results of the Third General Conference of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization from the programming to the implementation stage, particularly in such areas as consultation meetings, energy and operational activities, as agreed upon by the Industrial Development Board at its fourteenth regular session and at its second special session;
10. Requests the Industrial Development Board at its fifteenth session to consider further proposals by the secretariat of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization for the promotion of industrialization of developing countries and to decide on further action;
11. Appeals once again to all Governments that have not yet done so to sign and ratify, accept or approve the new Constitution of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization/85 as early as possible, preferably no later than mid-1981.
12. Urges all States, in particular the developed countries, to contribute to the United Nations Industrial Development Fund or to raise their contributions, taking into account the need for maximum flexibility, with a view to reaching the agreed desirable funding level of $50 million annually;
13. Decides to review, at its thirty-seventh session, the follow-up of the Third General Conference of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization.
83rd plenary meeting
5 December 1980