The General Assembly,
Recalling its resolutions 3201 (S-VI) and 3202 (S-VI) of 1 May 1974 containing the Declaration and the Programme of Action on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order, 3281 (XXIX) of 12 December 1976 containing the Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States and 3362 (S-VII) of 16 September 1975 on development and international economic co-operation,
Conscious of its own responsibilities, including those under Article 17, paragraph 3, of the Charter of the United Nations, and the role of the Economic and Social Council, especially under Article 63, paragraph 2, and Article 64 of the Charter,
Recalling also its resolution 32/197 of 20 December 1977, in particular paragraph 5 (d) of section II and section V of the annex to that resolution, and noting the relevant progress reports of the Administrative Committee on Co-ordination,/195
Mindful of the importance of implementing fully and without undue delay the recommendations contained in its resolution 32/197,
Bearing in mind its resolution 32/114 of 15 December 1977, as well as Economic and Social Council resolutions 2110 (LXIII) of 3 August 1977 and 1978/74 of 4 August 1978,
Mindful also of the need to clarify further the nature of the comprehensive policy review of operational activities to be undertaken by the Economic and Social Council under paragraph 7 of Council resolution 1768 (LIV) of 18 May 1973,
Reaffirming the full and continuing validity of the consensus of 1970, as set forth in the annex to General Assembly resolution 2688 (XXV) of 11 December 1970,
1. Invites the Secretary-General to entrust to the Director-General for Development and International Economic Co-operation, under his authority, the preparation, after consultation with the Administrative Committee on Co-ordination, taking into account the views of the organs, organizations and bodies concerned, of a report on policy issues pertaining to operational activities for development of the United Nations system for consideration by the Economic and Social Council, and subsequently by the General Assembly, in 1980;
2. Decides that the report referred to above should concentrate on:
- The application of General Assembly resolutions 2688 (XXV) of 11 December 1970 and 3405 (XXX) of 28 November 1975 by the United Nations Development Programme and the participating and executing agencies;
- A review of the progress made in the application by the United Nations system of the relevant recommendations of General Assembly resolution 32/197, in the light of the objectives contained in paragraph 28 of the annex to that resolution;
3. Decides further that the report should also:
- Include information on issues addressed in Economic and Social Council resolution 1978/74, in so far as they relate to operational activities;
- Include information on and an analysis of issues relating to operational activities for development of the United Nations system so as to enable the General Assembly and the Economic and Social Council to assess and promote progress in the attainment of the objectives contained in paragraph 28 of the annex to Assembly resolution 32/197;
- Include an examination of the application by the United Nations system in its operational activities of the results of international conferences held under the aegis of the United Nations relating to the establishment of the new international economic order;
- State options and alternative courses of action, on the basis of a system-wide analysis, in order to facilitate the decision-making role of the appropriate legislative organs in implementing the strategies and policies laid down for operational activities for development;
4. Recommends that the Economic and Social Council, in considering the aforementioned report, should also elaborate guidelines for future comprehensive policy reviews of operational activities for development carried out according to Council resolution 1768 (LIV);
5. Requests all organs, organizations and bodies of the United Nations system engaged in operational activities for development to assist the Director-General for Development and International Economic Cooperation in the preparation of the report referred to in paragraph 1 above, and to participate, in accordance with paragraph 14 of the annex to General Assembly resolution 32/197, in the consideration of the report by the Economic and Social Council.
95th plenary meeting
29 January 1979