The General Assembly,
Having considered the report of the International Atomic Energy Agency to the General Assembly for the year 1976,/68
Recognizing the need to strengthen the role of the International Atomic Energy Agency in the promotion of the application of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes and to augment its resources for technical assistance to the developing countries in this field,
Bearing in mind the need to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons,
Having in mind the significance of nuclear energy for economic development and, in particular, its important role in accelerating the development of developing countries,
Convinced that the transfer of technology for the peaceful use of nuclear energy for development can greatly contribute to progress in general,
Taking into consideration the legitimate right of States to develop or acquire technology for the peaceful use of nuclear energy in order to accelerate their economic development,
Affirming the responsibility of States that are advanced in the nuclear field to promote the legitimate nuclear energy needs of the developing countries by participating in the fullest possible transfer of nuclear equipment, materials and technology under agreed and appropriate international safeguards applied through the International Atomic Energy Agency on a nondiscriminatory basis in order to prevent effectively proliferation of nuclear weapons,
Recalling the obligation assumed under international agreements and contracts by a number of such States to facilitate the fullest possible exchange of equipment, materials and scientific and technological information for the peaceful use of nuclear energy,
Convinced that the objectives of the full utilization of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes and the prevention of the proliferation of nuclear weapons can be promoted by the establishment of universally acceptable principles for international co-operation in the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes,
1. Declares that:
(a) The use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes is of great importance for the economic and social development of many countries;
(b) All States have the right, in accordance with the principle of sovereign equality, to develop their programme for the peaceful use of nuclear technology for economic and social development, in conformity with their priorities, interests and needs;
(c) All States, without discrimination, should have access to and should be free to acquire technology, equipment and materials for the peaceful use of nuclear energy;
(d) International co-operation in the field covered by the present resolution should be under agreed and appropriate international safeguards applied through the International Atomic Energy Agency on a nondiscriminatory basis in order to prevent effectively proliferation of nuclear weapons;
2. Invites all States as well as the international organizations concerned to respect and observe the principles set forth in the present resolution;
3. Requests States to strengthen the existing programmes of the International Atomic Energy Agency for the development of the peaceful use of nuclear energy in the developing countries, the acquisition of installations, equipment and nuclear materials and information, as well as the training of personnel in the peaceful use of nuclear energy;
4. Invites all States to consider convening, at an appropriate stage, an international conference or conferences, under the auspices of the United Nations system, aimed at promoting international co-operation in the peaceful use of nuclear energy in accordance with the objectives of the present resolution;
5. Requests the Secretary-General to invite all States to communicate to him their views, observations and suggestions on such a conference and requests him to submit a report thereon to the General Assembly at its thirty-third session.
97th plenary meeting
8 December 1977