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Convening of a Second United Nations Conference on the Human Environment

The United Nations Conference on the Human Environment,

Noting with satisfaction the truly global nature of the preparatory process for the first United Nations Conference on the Human Environment held at Stockholm from 5 to 16 June 1972,

Noting further that the preparatory process comprised world-wide activities that initiated interest in the assessment of environmental problems at the national and regional levels, realizing the need for maintaining these world-wide activities with a view to discovering further areas of common interest, and means of international co-operation, in environmental studies,

Convinced that the first United Nations Conference on the Human Environment held at Stockholm and the activities associated with it provided an excellent platform for intensive international consultations and the exchange of views regarding steps to be taken for establishing between the maintenance of environmental quality and the needs of present and future generations,

1. Recommends that the General Assembly of the United Nations decide to convene a second United Nations Conference on the Human Environment;

2. Recommends further that the new environmental machinery referred to in the recommendations of the first United Nations Conference on the Human Environment be entrusted with the preparation for the second United Nations Conference on the Human Environment.