The General Assembly,
Recalling its resolutions 3519 (XXX) of 15 December 1975, 31/136 of 16 December 1976, 32/142 of 16 December 1977 and 33/184 and 33/185 of 29 January 1979, as well as the Convention on the Political Rights of Women,/84
Reaffirming the objectives of the United Nations Decade for Women: Equality, Development and Peace, and the relevant decisions of the World Conference of the International Women's Year,/85
Taking note of the report of the Secretary-General entitled "Women's participation in the strengthening of international peace and security and in the struggle against colonialism, racism, racial discrimination, foreign aggression and occupation and all forms of foreign domination",/86
Taking into account the report of the Conference of Non-Aligned and Other Developing Countries on the Role of Women in Development, held at Baghdad from 6 to 13 May 1979,/87
Bearing in mind that women will be able to play an equal and effective role in the process of development only if they have equal opportunities with men for education, employment, health care facilities and public functions of a social, economic, administrative or political character, and a social atmosphere necessary for the utilization of those opportunities,
Considering that the equal participation of women in the development process and in political life will contribute to the achievement of international peace, to the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms and to the establishment of the new international economic order,
Appreciating the contribution of women to the strengthening of international peace and security, to the struggle against colonialism, racism, racial discrimination, foreign aggression and occupation and all forms of foreign domination, and to the full and effective enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms,
Stressing the importance of the World Conference of the United Nations Decade for Women: Equality, Development and Peace, to be held in 1980, for the implementation of the objectives of the Decade,
1. Calls upon all Member States to make all efforts in preparing and carrying out the World Conference of the United Nations Decade for Women: Equality, Development and Peace;
2. Requests the Preparatory Committee for the World Conference of the United Nations Decade for Women to intensify its work in preparing an effective programme of action to be based on careful review and evaluation of progress made in implementing the World Plan of Action for the Implementation of the Objectives of the International Women's Year/88 aiming at improving the status of women, and on the recommendations made by the regional preparatory conferences;
3. Urges the Commission on the Status of Women to consider at its twenty-eighth session the question of elaborating a draft declaration on the participation of women in the struggle for the strengthening of international peace and security and against colonialism, racism, racial discrimination, foreign aggression and occupation and all forms of foreign domination, in accordance with General Assembly resolution 32/142, and for the full and effective enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms, taking into account the views of Governments thereon and views expressed during the thirty-fourth session of the Assembly.
105th plenary meeting
17 December 1979