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  United Nations


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General Assembly

Distr: General
18 December 1961
Original: Plenary

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Sixteenth session
Agenda item 70

Resolution adopted by the General Assembly

1686 (XVI). Future work in the field of the codification and progressive development of international law

The General Assembly,

Recalling its resolution 1505 (XV) of 12 December 1960,

Considering that the conditions prevailing in the world today give increased importance to the role of international law in relations among nations,

Emphasizing the important role of codification and progressive development of international law with a view to making international law a more effective means of furthering the purposes and principles set forth in Articles 1 and 2 of the Charter of the United Nations,

Mindful of its responsibilities under Article 13, paragraph 1 a, of the Charter to encourage the progressive development of international law and its codification,

Having surveyed the present state of international law with particular regard to the preparation of a new list of topics for codification and progressive development of international law,

1.Expresses its appreciation to the International Law Commission for the valuable work it has already accomplished in the codification and progressive development of international law;

2.Takes note of chapter III of the report of the International Law Commission covering the work of its thirteenth session;/1

3.Recommends the International Law Commission: (a) To continue its work in the field of the law of treaties and of State responsibility and to include on its priority list the topic of succession of States and Governments; (b) To consider at its fourteenth session its future programme of work, on the basis of sub-paragraph (a) above and in the light of the discussion in the Sixth Committee at the fifteenth and sixteenth sessions of the General Assembly and of the observations of Member States submitted pursuant to resolution 1505 (XV), and to report to the Assembly at its seventeenth session on the conclusions it has reached;

4.Decides to place on the provisional agenda of its seventeenth session the question entitled "Consideration of principles of international law concerning friendly relations and co-operation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations".

1081st plenary meeting
18 December 1961


1/ Official Records of the General Assembly, Fifteenth Session, Supplement No. 9 (A/4425).